Faculty Research Mentors

Payel Datta
Payel Datta

Medicines aim to prevent or treat diseases. Medicines comprise of diverse drug products, including biopharmaceuticals and small-molecule drugs. Biopharmaceuticals are biomolecules produced using cell systems. Small-molecule drugs are synthesized chemically. The journey a medicine/drug takes from its discovery to its approval is highly regulated. The most critical questions include whether the drug is safe and effective. Our research aims to explore the molecular mechanisms of drug action. Specifically, 我们采用基于细胞的筛选平台(2D和3D细胞培养系统)来检查化学物质和生物分子对细胞过程的影响, including cell growth, metabolism, migration, signaling, and gene expression. Additionally, we aim to investigate the impact of intrinsic and extrinsic factors on drug quality. Through these combinatorial approaches, 本研究旨在加强对药物疗效和潜在毒性的分子机制的理解. 

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Pradeepa Jayachandran
Pradeepa Jayachandran

Assistant Professor 
518- 694-7260

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses a significant threat to human, animals and the environment. Dr. Jayachandran的主要研究兴趣是了解耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)抗生素耐药性的遗传基础。, a gram positive pathogen that causes nearly 11,000 deaths each year in the United States alone. Her research focuses on the role of SOS and stress (ROS, antibiotic) response in acquisition of antibiotic resistance in Staphylococcus aureus. Bacterial DNA damage stress response, also known as SOS response, includes a conserved set of genes that are induced under DNA damaging conditions. Among these are genes involved in DNA repair pathway and error-prone polymerases. The increased expression of error-prone polymerase result in increased rate of mutations, which contribute to antibiotic resistance. RecA and LexA are the main modulators of this SOS response. Two main projects in the lab are: 1) Studying the effect of RecA inhibitors on the emergence of antibiotic resistance; 2) Identifying genes that play a role in SOS and stress response using a transposon mutant library.  这些研究将有助于我们了解MRSA的致病性和耐药性机制,并为新疗法的开发提供见解.

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Tim LaRocca
Tim LaRocca, PhD

Assistant Professor 

Dr. LaRocca’s research interest lies primarily in the mechanisms of eukaryotic programmed cell death or PCD. This includes the processes of apoptosis, necroptosis, and the molecular switches that balance the two pathways. Dr. LaRocca is particularly interested in the role of glucose in driving PCD. 他正在积极研究高血糖细胞死亡的机制及其在缺血性脑损伤(中风)加重中的作用。. A second project in his lab is an NIH-funded grant aimed at improving understanding of a type of red blood cell death called necroptosis and exploring ways to influence this process. 这项工作的结果有一天可能会改善患有细菌性血液感染和其他血液相关疾病的患者的治疗方法. 

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Ehsan Mahdinia
Ehsan Mahdinia, PhD

Assistant Professor

The major focus of Dr. Mahdinia’s research is towards microbial fermentation of value-added products, especially biopharmaceuticals. As a professor of CBET (Center for Biopharmaceutical Education and Training), Dr. Mahdinia是CBET团队的一员,该团队旨在教育本科生和研究生,并提供生物制药制造方面的劳动力培训. Thus, with all brand-new and cutting-edge equipment at CBET for upstream and downstream bioprocessing, 实际上,发酵产品领域的任何新颖的研究思路都是受欢迎的,并且是可行的! For more information on CBET facilities and Dr. Mahdinia’s role at CEBT; check out the center’s facilities.

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Meenakshi Malik
Meenakshi Malik, DVM, PhD


The long term research goal of Dr. Malik的实验室旨在了解宿主病原体相互作用的复杂性,以开发针对重要细菌感染的改进预防和治疗方法. She has a three-year grant by the National Institutes of Health to investigate the mechanisms by which Francisella tularensis, a类生物威胁剂在免疫细胞内存活并抑制保护性免疫反应. 第二个重点领域是研究导致耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)菌株产生抗生素耐药性的分子机制. Click the following PubMed link for additional information on research projects taking place in Dr. Malik's lab.

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Michelle Parent
Michelle Parent, MS, PhD

Associate Professor

Dr. Parent is a trained microbiologist, clinical microbiologist, and immunologist. Her research is centered on understanding the immune response to infection, with a specific focus on two bacterial pathogens - Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Yersinia pestis. V. parahaemolyticus is a Gram-negative bacterium most commonly associated with the ingestion of raw oysters. Dr. 父母对这种细菌的研究旨在确定哪种类型的宿主对感染的反应可能允许它逃避宿主的先天反应. Y. pestis is a facultative intracellular gram-negative bacillus. With this pathogen, 该实验室的工作重点是确定和了解在致命肺炎感染中存活所需的免疫反应的那些方面,以便生产更有效的疫苗.

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Nicole Shakerley
Nicole Shakerley, PhD

Associate Professor

Dr. Shakerley’s research interests include the study of Acinetobacter baumannii bacterium, a gram negative opportunistic pathogen that presents not only a nosocomial threat, but specifically impacts military personnel deployed to overseas theatres of operation. Currently, multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter species account for more than 7,在美国,每年有5000例感染病例,这可能因病原体逃避宿主免疫防御的先天能力而加剧. 她的实验室主要关注的领域之一是开发新的治疗策略来对抗这种病原体的抗生素耐药性.

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Binshan Shi
Binshan Shi, PhD

Associate Professor

Dr. 她的研究兴趣主要集中在利用先进的分子生物学来了解疾病发病机制的分子基础, virology, molecular genetics, and bioinformatics approaches. Methods used in his lab include a) HIV-1 infectious molecular clone, recombinant virus, and reporter gene technologies to study HIV phenotypes such as infection and replication; b) HIV-1 single genome amplification, 测序和生物信息学工具,以了解基因型变化及其与疾病进展的关系. Another major area of interest in Dr. Shi’s lab is the design and development of diagnosis assays for detecting infectious diseases, monitoring disease progression, and managing treatments.

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Vir Singh
Vir Singh PhD

Assistant Professor

Dr. Singh在研究与HIV发病机制相关的分子机制方面有着广泛的科学背景, genomic imprinting, molecular biology and mouse models of disease. Dr. Singh的研究兴趣包括调查HIV相关神经系统疾病的潜在分子机制, ii) HIV latency, and iii) Viral infection induced developmental defects. Currently, Dr. 辛格的实验室专注于研究NIH HIV/AIDS高优先级研究课题下的两个项目. 项目1:研究HIV(人类免疫缺陷病毒)介导的Sonic hedgehog (Shh)信号下调对脑稳态的影响,特别关注星形胶质细胞和其他脑驻留细胞(脑内皮细胞)之间的异常通信, pericytes, microglia and neurons). 项目2:通过- i)介导的干扰素信号传导来表征选定的非编码rna建立HIV潜伏期的潜力, and ii) regulating expression of HIV genome by epigenetic mechanisms. 这些研究的成功完成将确定新的靶点,以减轻艾滋病毒的发病机制,并为艾滋病毒的治愈铺平道路.

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Eric Yager
Eric Yager, PhD

Assistant Professor

Research in Dr. Yager的实验室致力于了解人体在流感感染期间是如何调节炎症反应的. 最近的研究已经确定了多蛋白胞质NLPR3炎性体复合物在流感感染期间宿主防御和病理生理中的关键作用. Specifically, Dr. Yager和他的团队正在研究NLRP3炎性体活化和由此产生的炎性细胞因子分泌是如何在分子水平上调节的,从而有利于宿主保护而不是免疫病理. 其他研究领域包括确定新的目标,以开发新的抗病毒药物来对抗流感感染,以及病毒诱导的炎症在自闭症谱系障碍的病因和发病机制中的作用.

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