The Dose

Welcome to The Dose, the alumni blog for Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. You can find updates on your classmates and friends, news from campus, information on upcoming events and more. It’s for you, about you and designed with you in mind. You can submit information to be posted here (no promotions or pitches, please). We’ll post here about once a week, so check back often!

Have news to share? Comments or suggestions? Email us at



Registration for Reunion Weekend 2022 is officially open!

Register now for a weekend of fun and memories. We will have special events for classes to celebrate milestone anniversaries, but there will be something for everyone. You can reconnect with old friends and make some new ones.

Edward J Enos ’84 was promoted to Manager Clinical Quality Outreach at UnitedHealth Group.

Chris Del Vecchio ’88 was named to Albany Business Review’s Power 50 List for 2022.

Our Pass the Panther project started in Spring of 2022 to get alumni excited about reunion but also to show off what our alumni have been up to!

Thank you to everyone who joined us for Alumni Night at the Brewery at Active Ingredient Brewing!


Onisis Stefas ’02 started additional positions as Member Board of Directors at 340B Health and at Health System-Owned Specialty Pharmacy Alliance (HOSP Alliance).

Rick L. Knight ’84 started a new position as Global Head, Strategic Account Management at Pfizer.

Some things change, some things stay the same! Michael McEntarfer ’73 has been playing the keyboard since high school, and he recently shared how it’s still a big part of his life.

In 2020, like so many other things, Pharmacy Lobby Day was cancelled. In 2021, it was back but virtually. It gave students an opportunity to participate without making the trek to the Capital. But last month, Pharmacy Lobby Day was back to, more or less, business as usual.